
Mainland Cup Shuttle Bus

Departure Timetable

For assitance please contact:
+43/676/56 37209


Saturday 13th July
09:40 Departure Hotel Arion: Hungary / Germany
10:00 Departure Hotel Arion: Referees / Guernsey
10:15 Departure City Hotel Albrecht: Netherlands / Spain

18:50 Departure Stadium: Hungary / Guernsey
19.30 Departure Stadium: Referees
19.50 Departure Stadium: Germany
20.05 Departure Stadium: Netherlands / Spain

Sunday 14th July
07:00 Departure Hotel Arion: Germany / Guernsey
07:20 Departure Hotel Arion: Hungary / Referees
07: 35 Departure City Hotel Albrecht: Netherlands / Spain

17:15 End of last Final, Prize Giving to follow
18:40 Departure Stadium: Referees / Hungary
19:00 Departure Stadium: Germany / Guernsey
19:15 Departure Stadium: Netherlands / Spain
19:30 After Party


The information desk at the stadium will be happy to call a Taxi for you if you need it. You can also call a Taxi under this number: +43-1-707 1377


Public Transport Schwechat

The best public transport option between Vienna City and Schwechat is the S7 train. Please note that there is more than one station on the S7 train line in Schwechat. The closest station to the playing fields is Kaiserebersdorf station right behind the Brauhaus Schwechat, where the evening function takes place. For a detailed schedule of the S7 Train, please check the downloads section. For more information about public transport, see also Arriving in Vienna.


Local public buses are available too. To get from the Hotels or S7 train station to the playing fields at Rudolf Tonn Stadion you can use the Bus Nr. 217 or 171.

Bus 171
Bus 171
Bus 217
Bus 217

A map of public transport in Schwechat (in German) is available here


Public Transport Vienna

Public transport tickets for Vienna are available at all subway stations and at all tobacconists.


Single trip ticket   € 2

24 hour ticket       € 6,70

48 hour ticket       € 11,70

72 hour ticket       € 14,50     


For more information about public transport within Vienna click here.


Subway Map for Vienna

Subway Map Vienna
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