The object of the game is for each team to score touchdowns by putting theoval shaped ball on the ground behind the opponent‘s score line. To move forwards the attacking team may run forwards, but the ball can only be passed backwards or in a straight line to other team players.
Defending players can prevent the attacking team from gaining grounds by touching the ball carrier. After a „Touch“ is made, the the ball carrier must put the ball on the ground immediatly. The ball is then picked up by another player from the same attacking team (taking the role of „acting half“) and the game continues. The defending team must retreat 5m backwards from the mark where the „Touch“ was made.
A touchdown is worth 1 point; after a team scores, the play begins again with a tap in the middle of the field by the non scoring team.
The teams can be male, female or mixed. One team can consist of up to a maximum of 14 players per game, 6 on the field at anyone time. Since Touch is a very fast and exhausting game players interchange from the side of the field as often as they wish (similar to Icehockey).
The standard duration is 40 minutes (two x 20 minute halves) with a 5 minute halftime. At our local competion in Austria we frequently use shorter time frames of 24min (two 12 minute halves) with a 1 minute halftime to suit local conditions.
(Download the full official 4th Edition of Touch Rules at the Policies & Documents section.)
- Offside: When the defending players have not retreated 5m and they touch an attacking player
- Forward Pass: When the ball is passed in front of the player who possessed the ball.
- Touch and Pass: When the person who is touched then passes the ball.
- When the player who was touched performs the roll ball past the point where they were touched (i.e runs past the touch point and fails to come back to where they were touched).
- If a touch is considered to be too strong/aggressive
- Voluntary Rolled Ball or No Touch: When the player is not touched and performs a roll ball.